Havercroft Junior & Infants School

Full information about Establishment and school Havercroft Junior & Infants School at Cow La, Wakefield, Ryhill, England WF4 2BE. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


Cow La, Wakefield, Ryhill, England WF4 2BE
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+44 1226 722484


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Havercroft Junior & Infants School

Reviews about Havercroft Junior & Infants School

  • Steven Quinn
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Incompetent Headteacher. Teachers are ok. Polite. But the Head is one. Children lose breaks if they come home and report bullying. They're called liars and also lose breaks for going to the toilets. Headteacher makes false documents to convince parents their children have no problems. They hold back/lose and send important information to the wrong people, which in itself is disgraceful as no one should have their personal info sent anywhere. There was a Facebook page to evict the Headteacher, to wit, she made a statement saying if she finds out who is responsible then there will be trouble, insinuating for the children of the parent/s involved. Scare tactics. And don't even ask the children what lunch they had as it will always be jacket potatoes or ONE fish finger and peas. This is not a suitable diet to learn and grow properly. There is no other schools available to parents so they're all stuck with this woman and her constant belittling of parents and children alike.. please avoid this school if possible.
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